The Course Bike Patrol Local Police Siena

From 21st to 25th June the Bike Patrol course has taken place at the Local Police Headquarters of…

The course told by some participants, Thanks for the support

From 21st to 25th June the Bike Patrol course has taken place at the Local Police Headquarters of Siena, in order to train a group of agents who will patrol by bike the historic center of the city.
There are eight of us, all ages and all grades. Our Commander is very confident and he thinks that all of us will pass the course, even before starting the course has already organized the future patrols. We don’t know what to expect from this course, after all we all can ride a bike! But we are ready to start. 


After a short introduction on the bike and its different uses over time, the instructor Mauro asks us, in our personal opinion, how good and capable we feel by riding the bike. The answer is “sufficient level” for two of us, for the others “good level”.   Poor deluded creatures! Then we fill out an entry test to understand our starting level. 30 minutes, 50 questions, all failed. And that was just the beginning.


The course is interesting, funny, challenging, strengthens the bond between colleagues, strengthens the group spirit and the desire to be a team. You are constantly supported and encouraged, you learn from the mistakes of others. And sometimes you also tease each other. The various trials force you to get involved, sometimes to bring out the courage. You have to learn to do everything with that bike: routes with pins, very tight curves, safe falls, stairs. You learn to become familiar with the bike, to control it, move it, throw it, lift it, handle it to make it in every situation a tool for our personal defense.


foto percorso esame
tratto dall’articolo

Finally we thank Mauro for his availability, professionalism,  for the enormous commitment that he puts in this project and for the bruises we go,  essential to move forward in this work and in life.

There are times when you think you can’t do it. Mauro looks into your eyes and   boosts everybody’s confidence  . “It’s just a matter of training” he says. And you keep trying and finally you make it!  After four days of training under the sun, between falls, peeling, bruises and a few minor injuries, we arrived at the final exam.  We’re a little tense, focused. Someone is a bit in trouble, but in the end we all pass the course and get the certificate, someone making more mistakes and someone less. Now we all are really at a good level!

We thank our Commander Cosimo Tafuro, who already knew the Academy having participated himself in the course long time ago.



Thanks to him we had the chance to have this great experience. We also thank him for taking the time to participate with us during the third day of the course, taking on new challenges with all of us, running the routes with the pins, helping us and complimenting our commitment, going down the stairs first without even worrying about having the proper protection. Finally we thank Mauro for his availability, professionalism,  for the enormous commitment that he puts in this project and for the bruises we go,  essential to move forward in this work and in life.

Agente Bacchini Barbara



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