The Innovation of Bike Patrol: Advantages and Implications for Law Enforcement

The Innovation of Bike Patrol: Advantages and Implications for Law Enforcement

The Innovation of Bike Patrol: Advantages and Implications for Law Enforcement

In the modern era, law enforcement is constantly looking for innovative methods to improve safety and efficiency in our cities. One of the strategies that has gained popularity in recent years is the “Bike Patrol.” This approach not only provides an eco-friendly and sustainable solution to traditional motorized patrols, but also presents a range of unique benefits for both officers and the communities they serve. But what exactly are these advantages and how can they positively impact the day-to-day operations of law enforcement?

The article “Impact of a Season of Bike Patrol on Police Officers’ Level of Fitness link article: A Pilot Study” clearly highlights the benefits of Bike Patrol:

1. Improved physical fitness: A season of Bike Patrol resulted in a significant improvement in officers’ grip strength, estimated VO2max, and power developed on the bike.
2. Increased interaction with citizens: Using bikes during patrols makes police officers less intimidating to citizens, promoting interaction between them.
3. Greater coverage of areas: Police officers can effectively cover events, festivals, and any inaccessible areas by car with the use of bikes.
4. Greater speed in urban environments: In a dense urban environment, a bike becomes an advantage as it is not as restrictive as many other vehicles.
5. Increased physical activity during service: Bike patrol provides an opportunity for police officers to be more physically active during their service.
6. Improved safety and efficiency: Good cardiovascular and muscular capacity is essential for Bike Patrol officers to properly and safely carry out their duties.

These benefits underscore the importance and effectiveness of Bike Patrol as a strategy for law enforcement, offering not only operational advantages but also improvements in the health and well-being of officers.

In conclusion, Bike Patrol represents an innovative and sustainable solution that can provide numerous benefits to law enforcement and the community. Adopting this strategy is an opportunity to enhance the safety of citizens and the presence of law enforcement in the community.


In a constantly evolving world, it’s crucial to stay focused on our goals and priorities. Each day brings new challenges and opportunities.

Let’s take a moment to reflect on what truly matters, setting aside distractions and concentrating on our objectives. Remember, the key to success isn’t the quantity of work we do, but the quality and effectiveness with which we do it. Today, let’s commit to giving our all in everything we do, with determination and passion. 💪🌟


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The Course Bike Patrol Local Police Siena

The Course Bike Patrol Local Police Siena

The Course Bike Patrol Local Police Siena

The course told by some participants, Thanks for the support

From 21st to 25th June the Bike Patrol course has taken place at the Local Police Headquarters of Siena, in order to train a group of agents who will patrol by bike the historic center of the city.
There are eight of us, all ages and all grades. Our Commander is very confident and he thinks that all of us will pass the course, even before starting the course has already organized the future patrols. We don’t know what to expect from this course, after all we all can ride a bike! But we are ready to start. 


After a short introduction on the bike and its different uses over time, the instructor Mauro asks us, in our personal opinion, how good and capable we feel by riding the bike. The answer is “sufficient level” for two of us, for the others “good level”.   Poor deluded creatures! Then we fill out an entry test to understand our starting level. 30 minutes, 50 questions, all failed. And that was just the beginning.


The course is interesting, funny, challenging, strengthens the bond between colleagues, strengthens the group spirit and the desire to be a team. You are constantly supported and encouraged, you learn from the mistakes of others. And sometimes you also tease each other. The various trials force you to get involved, sometimes to bring out the courage. You have to learn to do everything with that bike: routes with pins, very tight curves, safe falls, stairs. You learn to become familiar with the bike, to control it, move it, throw it, lift it, handle it to make it in every situation a tool for our personal defense.


foto percorso esame
tratto dall’articolo

Finally we thank Mauro for his availability, professionalism,  for the enormous commitment that he puts in this project and for the bruises we go,  essential to move forward in this work and in life.

There are times when you think you can’t do it. Mauro looks into your eyes and   boosts everybody’s confidence  . “It’s just a matter of training” he says. And you keep trying and finally you make it!  After four days of training under the sun, between falls, peeling, bruises and a few minor injuries, we arrived at the final exam.  We’re a little tense, focused. Someone is a bit in trouble, but in the end we all pass the course and get the certificate, someone making more mistakes and someone less. Now we all are really at a good level!

We thank our Commander Cosimo Tafuro, who already knew the Academy having participated himself in the course long time ago.



Thanks to him we had the chance to have this great experience. We also thank him for taking the time to participate with us during the third day of the course, taking on new challenges with all of us, running the routes with the pins, helping us and complimenting our commitment, going down the stairs first without even worrying about having the proper protection. Finally we thank Mauro for his availability, professionalism,  for the enormous commitment that he puts in this project and for the bruises we go,  essential to move forward in this work and in life.

Agente Bacchini Barbara



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The Innovation of Bike Patrol: Advantages and Implications for Law Enforcement

Modern law enforcement is adopting innovative methods like the “Bike Patrol” to enhance urban safety. This strategy, besides being eco-friendly, offers unique advantages for officers and the community. The article highlights benefits such as improved physical fitness of officers, increased interaction with citizens, and more effective area coverage. In summary, Bike Patrol represents a sustainable solution that boosts the safety and presence of law enforcement in the community.

L’Innovazione della Pattuglia in Bicicletta: Vantaggi e Implicazioni per le Forze di Sicurezza

Le forze dell’ordine moderno stanno adottando metodi innovativi come il “Bike Patrol” per migliorare la sicurezza urbana. Questa strategia, oltre ad essere ecologica, offre vantaggi unici per gli ufficiali e la comunità. L’articolo evidenzia benefici come il miglioramento della condizione fisica degli ufficiali, una maggiore interazione con i cittadini e una copertura più efficace delle aree. In sintesi, il Bike Patrol rappresenta una soluzione sostenibile che potenzia la sicurezza e la presenza delle forze dell’ordine sul territorio.

Non solo la bicicletta fa il servizio

ll nonno recitava un detto come se fosse un mantra ed in quanto tale, questo detto mi è rimasto in testa. "Non parlare se non sei interpellato e la tua opinione non interessa a nessuno". Anche se potrebbe sembrare una cosa scontata, o suonare come una banalità, ha...

Corso Bike Patrol Polizia Locale Bassa Romagna

Vi siete mai chiesti per quale motivo, in Italia, si vedano così poche pattuglie in bicicletta sul territorio?!Beh, ve lo spiega la Polizia Locale della Bassa Romagna, impegnata in un corso DEVASTANTE di Bike Patrol dal 28 Giugno al 2 Luglio 2021.Chi pensa di saper...

Corso Bike Patrol Polizia Locale di Siena

Il corso raccontato da alcuni partecipanti, Grazie del supportoenglish version Dal 21 al 25 giugno è stato organizzato presso il Comando della Polizia Municipale di Siena il corso Bike Patrol, allo scopo di addestrare un gruppo di agenti che pattuglieranno in...

Corso Bike Patrol Polizia Locale di Loano e Savona

Il corso della Polizia Locale di Loano e Savona raccontato Ass. Polizia Locale Roberta De Andreis (Borlo) english versionEd eccoci qua, il lunedì mattina ad affrontare il corso di Bike Patrol (pattuglia in bicicletta) della AIPIB (Accademia italiana pattuglia in...

Tecniche operative capsicum e bike patrol

english version Martedì 15.06.21 ore 15.00... si diano inizio alle danze!Loano, nonostante il caldo infernale Mauro, Andrea ed Alberto supervisionati ed addestrati dal maestro, Michele FARINETTI Operatore della Sicurezza e Formatore.Docente SIPL dal 2009 in Tecniche...

Corso Bike Patrol Rovereto e Trento

Abbiamo imparato a fare squadra perché ci siamo sostenuti a vicenda mentre si cadeva e la parola di incoraggiamento del collega ti infondeva fiducia e rafforzava il legame tra noi.

Corso Bike Patrol Polizia Locale Treviso

english version   Il 21 settembre 2020 si sono presentati presso il nostro Comando di Polizia Locale di Treviso i colleghi Mauro ed Andrea, istruttori dell’Accademia Italiana Pattuglia in Bicicletta (AIPIB). Il corso “Bike Patrol” (pattuglia in bicicletta) mira a...

Reparto Tutela Fluviale – T.I.B.E.R “Pattuglie in bicicletta”

 Nella giornata del 14 Settembre ha avuto inizio il primo corso di Bike Patrol presso il Gruppo Sicurezza Urbana della Polizia Roma Capitale volto alla creazione di un nuovo  nucleo che effettuerà il controllo delle sponde del Tevere. Il corso, della durata di sei...
The course Bike Patrol  Local Police of Loano and Savona

The course Bike Patrol Local Police of Loano and Savona

The course Bike Patrol Local Police of Loano and Savona

The course of Local Police of Loano e Savona told Ass. Local Police Roberta De Andreis (Borlo)

And here we are, on Monday morning to take the course of Bike Patrol (bike patrol) of the AIPIB (Italian Academy bike patrol). We are five colleagues of the  police headquarters of Loano together with eight colleagues of Savona and two instructors (Mauro and Alberto).

The main point at the beginning of the course is that we all know how to ride a bike, so the question naturally arises: “what we are doing here?”. A few minutes later and after the presentation rite which follows the introduction to the course, we understand that the course is something else. The course will last 30 hours divided into 5 days, we will deal with a theoretical part in the classroom and a practice on a circuit set up outdoors….

and  here the best part starts! So we have to deal with paths, slaloms, snaking lines, squares and much more riding a bicycle. Needless to deny the difficulties encountered by all initially, but with the passing of the days have gradually decreased until we get everyone to pass the final test. At my “I will never succeed” Mauro makes me understand that it is not so. It is not easy, either for an age speech, or for poor training and/ or little practice in the use of the bicycle, but it is enough to follow the profuse teachings, put will and commitment, and I realize that the instructor is right!!! There are many positive aspects of the course, you have the opportunity to understand the value of a service done with the bicycle, which becomes a real colleague, if you can say so.

Now we can begin

 After the appropriate training, the bicycle becomes an indispensable aid in putting into practice the many operating techniques that a local police operator may be in the condition of having to put into effect during the service. The service of Bike Patrol rediscovers the proximity to users who with a self-propelled service was slowly losing. Maybe we were in the same situation, but the course has created harmony among the participants despite not knowing each other before. At the time of giving a repair to the bicycle on duty that needed it or that needed help in the change of an air chamber or a tire, never lacked the help of those who knew a little more. Personally I am very pleased to have had the opportunity to participate and I wait as soon as possible to perform the first Bike Patrol service.

Ass.PL Roberta De Andreis
foto percorso esame
taken from the article

At my “I will never succeed” Mauro makes me understand that it is not so. It is not easy, either for an age speech, or for poor training and/ or little practice in the use of the bicycle, but it is enough to follow the profuse teachings, put will and commitment, and I realize that the instructor is right!!!


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Bike Patrol Course Treviso Local Police

On 21 September 2020, colleagues Mauro and Andrea, instructors from the Italian Academy “Pattuglia in Bicicletta” (AIPIB), introduced themselves at our Local Police Headquarters in Treviso. The “Bike Patrol” course (pattuglia in bicicletta) aims to train police...

Operational techniques capsicum and bike patrol

Tuesday 15.06.21 at 15.00... let the party begin!In Loano, despite the   infernal heat   Mauro, Andrea and Alberto supervised and trained by the master, Michele FARINETTI Safety Operator and Trainer.SIPL Professor since 2009 in Operational Techniques and Defensive...

The course Bike Patrol Local Police of Loano and Savona

The course of Local Police of Loano e Savona told Ass. Local Police Roberta De Andreis (Borlo) And here we are, on Monday morning to take the course of Bike Patrol (bike patrol) of the AIPIB (Italian Academy bike patrol). We are five colleagues of the  police...

The Course Bike Patrol Local Police Siena

From 21st to 25th June the Bike Patrol course has taken place at the Local Police Headquarters of Siena, in order to train a group of agents who will patrol by bike the historic center of the city.
There are eight of us, all ages and all grades. Our Commander is very confident and he thinks that all of us will pass the course, even before starting the course has already organized the future patrols. 

The Innovation of Bike Patrol: Advantages and Implications for Law Enforcement

Modern law enforcement is adopting innovative methods like the “Bike Patrol” to enhance urban safety. This strategy, besides being eco-friendly, offers unique advantages for officers and the community. The article highlights benefits such as improved physical fitness of officers, increased interaction with citizens, and more effective area coverage. In summary, Bike Patrol represents a sustainable solution that boosts the safety and presence of law enforcement in the community.

Operational techniques capsicum and bike patrol

Operational techniques capsicum and bike patrol

Operational techniques capsicum and bike patrol

Tuesday 15.06.21 at 15.00… let the party begin!
In Loano, despite the   infernal heat   Mauro, Andrea and Alberto supervised and trained by the master, Michele FARINETTI Safety Operator and Trainer.
SIPL Professor since 2009 in Operational Techniques and Defensive Aids. National Technical Director Krav Maga IDS. Consultant for FF.OO and FF.AA., decide to increase and sometimes question the operating techniques known until now in order to optimize and make essential the bike patrol service! The afternoon is divided into three macro phases in which the master is dedicated to basic and extremely effective teachings. The first phase, techniques of immobilization with the bike and on foot. 

The instructors of the Italian Cycling Patrol Academy together with the trainer Michele Farinetti have validated some operational techniques of the capsicum through the use of the bicycle

The second, disarmament and immobilization of armed subject while the third on the use, in the most effective way, of the capsicum device.
The pepper spray, while constituting a valid tool for defense, however, requires specific training to be used. Its effects, we repeat just for information, non-toxic and not permanent but still strongly irritant mucous membranes of the eye, nose, throat and lungs.

one of our instructors say ….

Being an instructor does not mean being omniscient. You never stop learning and improving ….

They also activate the production of mucus from the nose and a strong cough.

They cause the involuntary and sudden closing of the eyes with consequent temporary blindness that derives from it (even if they open the eyes it is not possible to see anything since the capillaries of these are dilated)as well as a burning sensation in areas affected by respiratory difficulties.It is therefore necessary that the operators, knowing the effects, are able to use the tool (in this case the tools have used inert product cylinders, created specifically for training and kindly provided by MAD MAX) in safety and with maximum effectiveness.


At the end of the training session, exhausted by the techniques and by the deadly heat, the three instructors of Aipib and Master Farinetti agreed that it was necessary a cold and refreshing beer!!!


Instructor Alberto Stoppino


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Se ti fa piacere lasciando la tua e-mail potrai rimanere aggiornato sulla nostra attività associativa e formativa. Gia molti Colleghi e Comandi si sono iscritti.

The Innovation of Bike Patrol: Advantages and Implications for Law Enforcement

Modern law enforcement is adopting innovative methods like the “Bike Patrol” to enhance urban safety. This strategy, besides being eco-friendly, offers unique advantages for officers and the community. The article highlights benefits such as improved physical fitness of officers, increased interaction with citizens, and more effective area coverage. In summary, Bike Patrol represents a sustainable solution that boosts the safety and presence of law enforcement in the community.

L’Innovazione della Pattuglia in Bicicletta: Vantaggi e Implicazioni per le Forze di Sicurezza

Le forze dell’ordine moderno stanno adottando metodi innovativi come il “Bike Patrol” per migliorare la sicurezza urbana. Questa strategia, oltre ad essere ecologica, offre vantaggi unici per gli ufficiali e la comunità. L’articolo evidenzia benefici come il miglioramento della condizione fisica degli ufficiali, una maggiore interazione con i cittadini e una copertura più efficace delle aree. In sintesi, il Bike Patrol rappresenta una soluzione sostenibile che potenzia la sicurezza e la presenza delle forze dell’ordine sul territorio.

Non solo la bicicletta fa il servizio

ll nonno recitava un detto come se fosse un mantra ed in quanto tale, questo detto mi è rimasto in testa. "Non parlare se non sei interpellato e la tua opinione non interessa a nessuno". Anche se potrebbe sembrare una cosa scontata, o suonare come una banalità, ha...

Corso Bike Patrol Polizia Locale Bassa Romagna

Vi siete mai chiesti per quale motivo, in Italia, si vedano così poche pattuglie in bicicletta sul territorio?!Beh, ve lo spiega la Polizia Locale della Bassa Romagna, impegnata in un corso DEVASTANTE di Bike Patrol dal 28 Giugno al 2 Luglio 2021.Chi pensa di saper...

Corso Bike Patrol Polizia Locale di Siena

Il corso raccontato da alcuni partecipanti, Grazie del supportoenglish version Dal 21 al 25 giugno è stato organizzato presso il Comando della Polizia Municipale di Siena il corso Bike Patrol, allo scopo di addestrare un gruppo di agenti che pattuglieranno in...

Corso Bike Patrol Polizia Locale di Loano e Savona

Il corso della Polizia Locale di Loano e Savona raccontato Ass. Polizia Locale Roberta De Andreis (Borlo) english versionEd eccoci qua, il lunedì mattina ad affrontare il corso di Bike Patrol (pattuglia in bicicletta) della AIPIB (Accademia italiana pattuglia in...

Tecniche operative capsicum e bike patrol

english version Martedì 15.06.21 ore 15.00... si diano inizio alle danze!Loano, nonostante il caldo infernale Mauro, Andrea ed Alberto supervisionati ed addestrati dal maestro, Michele FARINETTI Operatore della Sicurezza e Formatore.Docente SIPL dal 2009 in Tecniche...

Corso Bike Patrol Rovereto e Trento

Abbiamo imparato a fare squadra perché ci siamo sostenuti a vicenda mentre si cadeva e la parola di incoraggiamento del collega ti infondeva fiducia e rafforzava il legame tra noi.

Corso Bike Patrol Polizia Locale Treviso

english version   Il 21 settembre 2020 si sono presentati presso il nostro Comando di Polizia Locale di Treviso i colleghi Mauro ed Andrea, istruttori dell’Accademia Italiana Pattuglia in Bicicletta (AIPIB). Il corso “Bike Patrol” (pattuglia in bicicletta) mira a...

Reparto Tutela Fluviale – T.I.B.E.R “Pattuglie in bicicletta”

 Nella giornata del 14 Settembre ha avuto inizio il primo corso di Bike Patrol presso il Gruppo Sicurezza Urbana della Polizia Roma Capitale volto alla creazione di un nuovo  nucleo che effettuerà il controllo delle sponde del Tevere. Il corso, della durata di sei...

Bike Patrol Course Treviso Local Police

Bike Patrol Course Treviso Local Police

Bike Patrol Course Treviso Local Police

On 21 September 2020, colleagues Mauro and Andrea, instructors from the Italian Academy “Pattuglia in Bicicletta” (AIPIB), introduced themselves at our Local Police Headquarters in Treviso. The “Bike Patrol” course (pattuglia in bicicletta) aims to train police operators in the best techniques for conducting and using the velocipede as a professional tool. The course was held in two parts: in the classroom for a first theoretical part and then in an open space for what can certainly be defined as the most exciting part: the practice. And for this reason, Mauro and Andrea arranged perfectly the car park behind the Command, preparing a path formed by cones, beams, pallets apparently complex for our usual skills. With a worthy theory accompanied by practical demonstrations, we slowly embarked on this mission.

The first exercise was a slalom with very tight curves: this exercise changed the approach with the surrounding space. The trick was to look towards the exit of the curve and open the knee towards the inside of the curve, in this way the bicycle turned on its own. But watch out for the next tight curve from the opposite direction! Low ratio, low speed but fast in the movements. Then it was the turn of the square. Four sides (one meter each) delimited by cones within which it had to rotate around the imaginary center of the square. At first glance it seemed to everyone an impossible mission. However, in a few days we all managed to do it. Or rather, two or three of us entered the square at the same time. It looked like a circus! Another exercise was that of the serpentine. Same input: at low speed and with the right approach you can do everything.

Even more tricky was the slalom where taller cones had to pass underneath between the cross tube and the front wheel. Things were starting to get interesting. But do you think we would have stopped? Absolutely not, try and try again, try and try again until this cone decides to come out unscathed on the right side. Other exercises were to remain in balance on the bike without pedaling and thus remaining stationary with a margin of a few centimeters, the lateral fall in which one closes in a hedgehog “not to get hurt” according to Mauro. The next day bruises all over but let’s overlooks these little details. When we were little, how many of us didn’t make at least one skid by applying the rear brake? I believe everyone. Here, the instructors showed us the best way to be quick to leave the bike and wear out the tires like there was no tomorrow. Seriously, in the case of a chase, this technique is very useful.

We lacked a bit of dexterity in picking up the ball from the ground on the fly while remaining in the saddle without stopping, nevertheless the crew was not limited to try, try and try again. You know Grandma how she gets on and off her bicycle? She made us smile at least a little the first time we saw her. However, ladies and gentlemen, that is the most convenient way for a police officer to get on or off the vehicle. Yes, because it is quick, comfortable and even for the shorter ones it is easier to mount. In Treviso we have several parks to watch over … And what if not patrolling by bicycle? The descent from the steps can be dangerous if you do not know how to move the centre of gravity. Mauro and Andrea also taught us this. And uphill? Bike on your shoulder, and you walk! After having juggled the movements, here comes the time of the operative techniques. For example, positioning yourself behind the bicycle and not in front. But why? It seems trivial but if the alleged attacker rushes at you, the bicycle will hinder you and make you fall. Otherwise, if the bike is in front of you, the attacker will fall. We have learned to stop a fugitive using the structure of the bike, blocking a knee between the frame and the wheel to contain him or to use the velocipede as a shield and defend ourselves from an attack with sidearms.

Finally, with the shooting instructor, also named Andrea, we explored what dynamic shooting is on the bike. The simulation alone gave us a lot of adrenaline! These techniques and exercises have shaped our view of things. It is nice to start looking at our work with new eyes! It was a very busy week, but we can say that this course, in addition to giving us new visions on this means of work, has given us the beauty of the little things like being together, getting to know each other, laughing, making mistakes, getting up and trying again.

Grazie ai colleghi per il senso di squadra respirato: Robazza F., Pillon I., Vitangeli S., Castellaro M., Scarfì L., Zanchetta R., Noal S., Bellinato A., Scarabello D., Cimmino L., Napoli D., Vettorazzo N. e Moreno.

A special thanks to the Commander Dr. Andrea Gallo for having shown sensitivity in giving us the possibility, not at all obvious, to experience this training adventure on a professional and personal level, as well as to Mauro and the two Andrea for having enriched us with their experience in these days.

Ag. Zanatta C. e Ag. Sc. Caramel S.



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L’Innovazione della Pattuglia in Bicicletta: Vantaggi e Implicazioni per le Forze di Sicurezza

L’Innovazione della Pattuglia in Bicicletta: Vantaggi e Implicazioni per le Forze di Sicurezza

Le forze dell’ordine moderno stanno adottando metodi innovativi come il “Bike Patrol” per migliorare la sicurezza urbana. Questa strategia, oltre ad essere ecologica, offre vantaggi unici per gli ufficiali e la comunità. L’articolo evidenzia benefici come il miglioramento della condizione fisica degli ufficiali, una maggiore interazione con i cittadini e una copertura più efficace delle aree. In sintesi, il Bike Patrol rappresenta una soluzione sostenibile che potenzia la sicurezza e la presenza delle forze dell’ordine sul territorio.

Non solo la bicicletta fa il servizio

Non solo la bicicletta fa il servizio

ll nonno recitava un detto come se fosse un mantra ed in quanto tale, questo detto mi è rimasto in testa. "Non parlare se non sei interpellato e la tua opinione non interessa a nessuno". Anche se potrebbe sembrare una cosa scontata, o suonare come una banalità, ha...

Corso Bike Patrol Polizia Locale Bassa Romagna

Corso Bike Patrol Polizia Locale Bassa Romagna

Vi siete mai chiesti per quale motivo, in Italia, si vedano così poche pattuglie in bicicletta sul territorio?!Beh, ve lo spiega la Polizia Locale della Bassa Romagna, impegnata in un corso DEVASTANTE di Bike Patrol dal 28 Giugno al 2 Luglio 2021.Chi pensa di saper...

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